Quality & Sustainability


Together with our certified partners, we strive to deliver only high-quality products in which sustainability and environmental friendliness are paramount, throughout all stages of the process until reaching the end consumer.


By integrating sustainability into our business strategy and activities, we create a positive impact on the environment and society, ultimately an investment in a better future for everyone.


At the core of our business strategy is supporting local producers by offering their products in international markets.

By supporting local vegetable and fruit producers, we help shorten the distance between producer and consumer, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and contribute to the resilience of the local community. It's a win-win for everyone!

certificates and labels

Together with our certified partners, we strive to deliver only high-quality products in which sustainability and environmental friendliness are paramount, throughout all process steps until reaching the final consumer.

IFS Food

On behalf of European supermarkets, IFS developed a quality manual and systematically and standardizedly verifies whether products and services from producers and traders supplying to the supermarkets effectively meet the required food safety standards and customer specifications.

More info

IFS certificaat 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 227.2 KB


The GlobalGAP certification system is a compilation of joint procedures and standards established by various partners in the agricultural sector. It is intended to provide consumers with confidence that the way their food is produced is comprehensive and safe. It serves as a practical guide for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) worldwide.

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EU Biolabel

The EU Organic label is a European label that is mandatory for all organic packaged products in Europe, established in 2010. The label only applies to food products. It guarantees that production is carried out according to the strict rules of organic farming, processing, and sales.

More info

EU Biolabel 2023-2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 44.1 KB


De module GlobalGAP Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) is een uitbreiding op de GlobalGAP. Het beoordeelt of een onderneming voldoet aan een aantal eisen op vlak van gezondheid, veiligheid en welbevinden van haar werknemers. Het zorgt ervoor dat producenten een gezond sociaal managementsysteem ontwikkelen en het geeft afnemers de bijkomende garantie dat de bedrijven met wie ze samenwerken oprecht begaan zijn met hun menselijke kapitaal.

More info

GlobalGAP 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 186.2 KB

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